All EARS!!!
Homeless animal protection organization!
Some facts...

Millions of people around the world are vegetarians because, as they claim, man is a herbivore by nature and, on the other, with meat-eating support and perpetuate the killing of millions of animals every day on the planet.

The abuse of power with violent behavior toward animals says psychologists and philosophical organizations, is not an animal welfare. He who acquires a pet to feel that he has an "inferior" creature to command and rule, cannot be friendly, complains about the European Animals Welfare and Environmental Federation

It is strongly supported that the hunter cannot be friendly because his occupation is directly related to the removal of animal life.

There is also questioning the welfare of professionals, and all those involved with animals and exploiting them for commercial and economic purposes, such as the farmer, the fisherman, the bird producer, the owner of transport animals. In the same category are the owners of racehorses and those who bet on greyhounds and Hippodrome, on the grounds that this relationship is only utilitarian and not animal-friendly since the animal is the medium for the human being, the instrument for its service.